I love Lala Gallardo's stuff on Society6. It's all very folky with a Day of the Dead twist that I LOVE. Also check out her Zombiepocalypse papercut, so awesome!
I love Lala Gallardo's stuff on Society6. It's all very folky with a Day of the Dead twist that I LOVE. Also check out her Zombiepocalypse papercut, so awesome!
This print reminds me of a time when my friend and I were hanging out in SF's Casanova bar. They have a few lovely black velvet paintings and we started arguing about which one was better. We had both picked our favorites, presented our theories, and were not EVER going to budge on which piece was better. This print is something that I think we could both agree is absolutely FANTASTIC.
This is a signed and numbered giclee print. Edition of 50.
$75 for four & $20
I first fell in love with Stasia's Yakuza's, but then once I went into her etsy shop I realized that holy crap she had other, more serious artwork and it was gorgeous. Check out everything, this girl is good!